Oral Histories

Interview with Danny R. Peralta & Hatuey Ramos-Fermín

Danny R. Peralta was born and raised in New York City and uses multiple mediums to tell stories, examine relationships and elicit dialogue. Danny has been leading community development using the arts and culture for over 20 years. As former Executive Director of The Point, he helped lead the coordination of The Hunts Point Fish Parade and Summer Festival from 2010-2019. 

Hatuey Ramos-Fermín is an artist. He has organized projects at sites ranging from small businesses and community centers to churches, streets, galleries, and museums. He has worked at the Center for Urban Pedagogy, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, and The Laundromat Project. He has participated in the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts Shift Residency and The Laundromat Project’s Create Change Artist Residency. Ramos-Fermín received his BA from the University of Puerto Rico and his MFA from the St. Joost School of Art and Design.  He is also a recipient of Creatives Rebuild New York’s Artist Employment Program grant. Hatuey is an artist-in-residence at The Point CDC and Naturally Occurring Cultural Districts New York.

In this interview, Danny R. Peralta and Hatuey Ramos-Fermin, tell us their respective stories on how they came to The Point CDC and their experience leading the Fish Parade at Hunts Point as Executive Directors. Danny describes his childhood, growing up in the Bronx and his desire to pursue community organizing while pursuing his passion for the arts. Hatuey on the other hand describes his childhood in Puerto Rico, arriving in New York City as an Art educator and later becoming involved with The Point and other community groups in Hunts Point. Interwoven in this interview is the story of The Fish Parade, its inception, and the effect that it has had in the Hunts Point neighborhood community.

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